您目前的位置: 首页» 研究资料» 执行ICSID裁决无需将申请登记裁决的申请表送达另一方当事人(英国案例)


2020630日,在Unión Fenosa Gas, S.A. v Arab Republic of Egypt [2020] EWHC 1723 (Comm)一案中,英格兰与威尔士高等法院(以下简称法院)认为,申请人可以未经通知被申请人而提出登记ICSID裁决的申请。在获得准予登记ICSID裁决的命令后,申请人只需将准予登记ICSID裁决的命令送达另一方当事人,而无需送达申请登记裁决的申请表。法院还表示,根据《民事诉讼规则》第6.28条行使自由裁量权允许免除对一国送达相关命令,该权力的行使无需满足“特殊情况”的要求。此外,法院还认为,在本案中存在充分理由批准申请人的替代送达申请(将相关命令送达当事人的律师)。因此,法院驳回了埃及撤销所提出的撤销Teare命令和Waksman命令的请求。


2018831日,国际投资争端解决中心(ICSID)根据《西班牙王国和阿拉伯埃及共和国关于相互促进和保护投资的协定》和《解决国家与他国国民间投资争端公约》(以下简称“《ICSID公约》”),就投资者Unión Fenosa Gas S.A.(以下简称UFG)与阿拉伯埃及共和国(以下简称埃及)之间的投资争议作出有利于UFO的裁决。



《民事诉讼规则》第6.44规定了向一个国家送达命令(或在需要时送达申请表)的程序。根据该条款,送达请求将提交给皇家法院的中央办公室,高级管理人将文件发送给外交和联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO),以下简称外交部),由外交部安排送达。如果顺利完成送达,外交部通常会在适当时出具一份官方证明,说明申请表或其他文件已在某个日期妥为送达。根据《民事诉讼规则》第6.445)条,该证明是所载事实的证据。Pursuant to these provisions, a request for service is to be lodged in the Central Office of the Royal Courts of Justice.The request is for service to be arranged by the Foreign and Common wealthOffice ("FCO"). The Senior Master will then send the documents to the FCO with a request that it arranges for them to be served. Assuming that service is successfully accomplished, the FCO will then ordinarily in due course produce an official certificate stating that the claim form or other document had been duly served on a specified date. This certificate is (under CPR 6.44 (5)) evidence of the fact stated.






1. 根据《1966年法案》和《民事诉讼规则》第62.21条申请执行裁决无需送达申请表





CPR r. 62.21 provides as follows:

Registration of awards under the Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act 1966


(1) In this rule –

(a) 'the 1966 Act' means the Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act 1966;

(b) 'award' means an award under the Convention;

(c) 'the Convention' means the Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between States and nationals of other States which was opened for signature in Washingt on on 18th March 1965;

(d) 'judgment creditor' means the person seeking recognition or enforcement of an award; and

(e) 'judgment debtor' means the other party to the award.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this rule, the following provisions of Part 74 apply with such modifications as may be necessary in relation to an award as they apply in relation to a judgment to which Part I of the Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 applies–

(a) rule 74.1;

(b) rule 74.3;

(c) rule 74.4(1), (2)(a) to (d), and (4);

(d) rule 74.6 (except paragraph (3)(c) to(e)); and

(e) rule 74.9(2).

(3) An application to have an award registeredin the High Court under section 1 of the 1966 Act must be made in accordance with the Part 8 procedure.

(4) The written evidence required by rule 74.4 in support of an application for registration must –

(a) exhibit the award certified under the Convention instead of the judgment (or a copy of it); and

(b) in addition to stating the matters referred to in rule 74.4(2)(a) to (d) state whether –

(i) at the date of the application the enforcement of the award has been stayed (provisionally or otherwise) under the Convention; and

(ii) any, and if so what, application has been made under the Convention, which, if granted, might result in a stay of the enforcement of the award.

(5) Where, on granting permission to registeran award or an application made by the judgment debtor after an award has been registered, the court considers –

(a) that the enforcement of the award has been stayed (whether provisionally or otherwise) under the Convention; or

(b) that an application has been made under the Convention which, if granted, might result in a stay of the enforcement of the award,

the court may stay the enforcement of the award for such time as it considers appropriate.

埃及认为,《民事诉讼规则》第62.213)明确规定,根据《1966年法案》第1条向高等法院登记裁决的申请“必须按照第8条的程序进行”。尽管第8条没有明确要求送达申请表,但《民事诉讼规则》第8.2条中有明确提及送达,并以括号括起来的文字结尾“第7.5条规定申请表的送达”。第8.3条规定送达确认,因此很明显,第8条要求送达申请表。(Egypt contended that CPR r. 62.21 (3) provided, in clear terms, that an application to have an award registered under section 1 of the 1966 Act 'must be made in accordance with the Part 8 procedure'. This imported all the requirements of Part 8. Although Part 8 does not expressly provide for service of the claim form, there is a clear reference to service in CPR r. 8.2 which concludes with the bracketed words 'Rule 7.5 provides for service of the claim form'. CPR r. 8.2 also requires the claim form to state that Part 8 applies, and this is what UFG's claim form in fact stated in the present case. CPR r. 8.3 provides for acknowledgment of service, and it is therefore clear that Part 8 contemplates that a claim form will be served. CPR r. 8.5 (2) provides for service of the claimant's evidence 'with the claim form'. The only way to read these various provisions is that a Part 8 procedure applies to any attempt to register and enforce an ICSID award.That procedure can only function if a claim form is served.



法院认为,这不是偶然的。它体现了适用于《民事诉讼规则》第62.21条的不同和简化的裁决登记程序,同时还体现了一个国家能够抵制执行ICSID裁决的非常有限的情况。除可能出现的特殊和极端案件外,这些抵制执行情况仅限于《民事诉讼规则》第62.214)和(5)条所规定的情况,即根据《ICSID公约》中止执行,或已提出中止执行申请。(I consider that this is no accident. It reflects the different and simplified procedure which exists for registration of awards to which CPR r.62.21 applies. This procedure is explained by the important cross-references in CPR r. 62.21 (2) to particular provisions within CPR Part 74, as further discussed below. It also reflects (also as further discussed below) the very limited circumstances in which a state may be able to resist enforcement of an ICSID award. Apart from the possibility of exceptional and extraordinary cases, those circumstances are limited to those contemplated in CPR rr. 62.21 (4) and(5): i.e that enforcement has been stayed under the ICSID Convention, or where an application for a stay has been made.

其次,法院认为,关于送达申请表的要求(更别论完整的第8条程序的要求),与通过《民事诉讼规则》第62.212)条并入的登记制度不一致。在第62条中,只有第62.21适用第74条的一些规定。这些规定的效果是,在实质方面,基本上将《1966年法案》下的裁决的登记程序与《1933年法案》适用的外国判决的登记程序相等同。第74条规定(其中包括被第62.21条交叉援引的规定)的一些特征与此有关,这些规定明确登记执行外国判决的申请可以/应当不经通知而作出may/should be made without notice),即登记执行ICSID裁决的申请也可以/应当不经通知而作出。埃及所持论点的逻辑效果是ICSID裁决不允许未经通知就申请登记,而应当通过完整的第8条的程序,其中涉及:签发申请表,东道国确认申请表已送达,当事人各自证据的送达,以及最终在当事人之间的听证会上对登记申请作出决定(如果存在争议)。在此基础上,申请人唯一可以不经通知而提出的申请是向域外送达申请表的申请(以启动第8条的一般程序)。法院认为,如果这就是第62.21条程序的目的,很难理解为何第62.212)条会通过交叉援引第74条的一些规定明确允许不经通知另一方当事人就申请登记裁决。法院认为,对第74条的明确援引表明登记裁决的申请无需进行第8条的完整程序。(Consistent with that rule, UFG did not seek permission from Males J. to serve the registration order out of the jurisdiction, but simply initiated the process of service via the FPS. Egypt's argument posits, however, that the process of registration, in the case of a 1996 Act award, must begin with an ordinary application to serve the claim form out of the jurisdiction in order to initiate the full Part 8 process. If this were right, then it is very odd that the CPR r. 62.21 expressly incorporates a provision of CPR Part 74 which requires service only of the order made on registration (there is no reference to service of a claim form), and expressly provides that permission to serve that order is not required. The fact that express provision is made for service of the order out of the jurisdiction, without the need for permission, indicates that this is the only service that is actually required. These express references to CPR Part 74 therefore indicate that the procedure to be followed on an application to 'have an award registered' (the language used in CPR r. 62.21 (3) under CPR r. 62.21) is not the full-blown Part 8 procedure for which Mr. Malek contended.





2. Teare法官作出Teare命令免除Males命令的送达具有适当依据

General Dynamics UK Ltd. v State of Libya [2019] EWCA Civ 1110案中,上诉法院裁定,根据《民事诉讼规则》第6.28条允许免除对一国送达相关命令(该案涉及根据第62.18条执行《纽约公约》裁决),该规则不要求满足“特殊情况”以行使自由裁量权。但是,上诉法院还表示,如果“允许执行仲裁裁决的命令”是外国首次收到申请人试图执行裁决的通知,则应适用“特殊情况”的标准。(In General Dynamics, the Court of Appeal held that it was permissible to dispense with service of the relevant order on a state (in that case for enforcement under CPR r. 62.18) pursuant to CPR r. 6.28. That rule does not (in contrast to CPR r. 6.16, dealing with dispensing with service of a claim form) require 'exceptional circumstances' in order to enable the discretion to be exercised. The exercise of the discretion is therefore, in principle, at large. However, the Court of Appeal indicated (at paragraph [61]) that a test of exceptional circumstances should be applied 'when the order permitting enforcement of the award is to be the first time that the foreign state receives notice of a claimant's attempt to enforce an award'.




法院认为,从目前掌握的情况来看,证据显示Males命令确实已经由外交部通过英国驻开罗大使馆转送埃及外交部。埃及外交部已于20194月收到相关文件,该文件在4月下旬被退回英国驻开罗大使馆。由外交部收件足以满足送达要求。根据Certain Underwriters atLloyds v Syrian Arab Republic [2018] EWHC 385 (Comm)案,收到文件就已足够,被申请人不能通过拒绝接受投递来逃避送达(the receipt of documents was sufficient. A defendant could not therefore evade service by simply declining to accept delivery)。法院认为,埃及外交部收到文件后又退回文件的行为不能证明相关文件没有顺利完成送达。


3. Waksman法官作出Waksman命令批准替代送达给Cleary具有适当依据

如果法院认为存在充分理由,其有权根据《民事诉讼规则》第6.15条允许替代送达申请表。根据《民事诉讼规则》第6.27条,该权力扩展到法律程序中任何文件的送达。在本案中,Waksman法官作出命令批准将命令送达Cleary(埃及的律师)以替代将命令送达埃及。(The court has power under CPR r. 6.15 to permit alternative service of a claim form if it appears to the court that there is good reason to do so. By CPR r. 6.27, this power extends to service of any document in the proceedings.

上诉法院在Barton v Wright Hassall LLP [2016] EWCA Civ 177案中总结了替代送达申请所适用的原则:(1)是否有充分理由确认拟送达的步骤。(2)拟送达的一方是否已注意到该文件。这是送达的唯一目的,但这本身并不足以成为选择替代送达的充分理由。(3)还需考虑申请人和被申请人的行为,如果一方玩技术战,将对该方不利。(The principles applicable to an application for alternative service were summarised by the Court of Appeal in Bartonv Wright Hassall LLP [2016] EWCA Civ 177. The court is required to consider: a) whether there is a good reason to validate the proposed steps for service; b) whether the document has come to the attention of the party intended to be served. This is the sole purpose of service, but is not itself sufficient to amount to a good reason for alternative service; c) the conduct of the claimant and of the defendant – if one party is playing technical games, this will count against them.



最后,就Teare命令和Waksman命令是否因在没有充分和坦率披露的情况下获得而应予以撤销,法院经分析后认为埃及的指控没有实质内容。即使存在任何不披露的情况,法院也不会认为应收到责难,或严重到要撤销相关命令的程度。(I will deal with these arguments briefly, since I consider that there is no substance to any of them. Furthermore, even if there had been any non-disclosure, I would not regard it as culpable or such as to warrant setting aside of orders which, for reasons given, were properly made.



