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美国法院对涉外仲裁平行诉讼问题的考量因素 (美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院案例)

201867日,在Hardy Exploration and Production (India), Inc v. Governmentof India, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, CivilAction No.:16-140 (RC)一案中(请点击页尾网址阅读判决原文),双方就仲裁裁决的承认与执行发生争议,仲裁胜诉方在印度最高院还未做出最终裁决的情况下,向美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院请求确认仲裁裁决的效力,印度政府则提出申请请求该法院中止程序,且承认与执行相关仲裁裁决内容将与美国公共政策相违背,对此,美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院认定:驳回印度提出的中止法院程序的申请;考虑到本案请求承认与执行的仲裁裁决内容违反了美国的公共政策,同时驳回当事人承认与执行仲裁裁决的申请(“For the foregoing reasons, the Court DENIES HEPI’s Petition toConfirm Arbitration Award (ECF No. 1); DENIES AS MOOT HEPI’s Motion for Leaveto File Sur-Reply (ECF No. 36); and DENIES AS MOOT India’s Cross-Motion forLeave to File a Response to HEPI’s Proposed Sur-Reply (ECF No. 37).”)。






199611月,就印度东南部地理区块碳氢化合物开采、开发与生产事宜,三家印度企业与印度政府签订了一份《生产合作合同》(Production Sharing Contract,以下简称“《合作合同》”)。20018月开始,本案原告Hardy Exploration andProduction (India), Inc(以下简称“HEPI”)获得《合作合同》中100%的参与股份,在本案实体争议发生期间,HEPI仍一直持有该合同75%的参与股份。根据该《合作合同》,如果开采到原油,评核期(appraisalperiod)为2年;如果开采到天然气,则评核期为5年。


2006年期间,HEPI开采到碳氢化合物并认定是天然气,但主管部门印度石油与天然气部(Ministryof Petroleum & Natural Gas)却认定是原油,并于2009年通知HEPI由于其未按时提交商业声明(declaration ofcommerciality),视为放弃对相关开采地的权利。根据《合作合同》第33条仲裁条款,HEPI将双方争议提交至仲裁。其中仲裁协议第33.12条规定:除非双方另有约定,根据本条进行调解或仲裁的地点应在吉隆坡(“The venue of conciliation or arbitration proceedings pursuant to this Article unless the parties otherwise agree, shall be Kuala Lumpur…”)。


201358日,仲裁庭作出有利于HEPI的最终裁决,认定印度政府的行为构成违约,其作出的弃权命令被宣布无效(“order of relinquishment isdeclared to be null and void.”);命令双方继续履行合同,印度向HEPI赔偿损失。


20137月,印度向德里高等法院(DelhiHigh Court)请求撤销上述仲裁裁决201311月,HEPI向该法院请求承认与执行仲裁裁决。德里高等法院驳回印度的撤销请求,理由是由于仲裁地(seat of arbitration)在马来西亚,而不是在印度,故法院无权依据《1996年仲裁法》第34条撤销仲裁裁决(“it was because the Delhi High Court had found that the seat of arbitration had been Malaysia, rather than India, and therefore, that Indian courts did not have the power toset aside the arbitral award pursuant to Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.)。


20161月,在印度国内法院审理还未完结的情况,HEPI又向美国哥伦比亚特区联邦地区法院(United States DistrictCourt for the District of Columbia,以下简称“地区法院”)提起诉讼,请求法院承认与执行仲裁裁决。针对HEPI的印度则提出抗辩,认为由于仲裁裁决执行内容违反美国公共政策,法院应当拒绝执行仲裁裁决;由于印度法院的撤销仲裁裁决诉讼程序仍在进行中,故请求法院中止本案程序(“arguing that the Court should decline to enforce the arbitral award because confirming both the specific performance and interest aspects of the Award would violate U.S. public policy. It further moved for the Court to stay these proceedings while its petition to set aside the arbitral award remains pending in India.”)。






印度主张,根据《纽约公约》(New YorkConvention)第六条规定,“倘裁决业经向第五条第一项(戊)款所称之主管机关声请撤销或停止执行,受理援引裁决案件之机关得于其认为适当时延缓关于执行裁决之决定,并得依请求执行一造之声请,命他造提供妥适之担保(If an application for the setting aside or suspension of the award has been made to a competent authority referred to in article V(1)(e),the authority before which the award is sought to be relied upon may, if itconsiders it proper, adjourn the decision on the enforcement of the award.)”,本条款规定的“主管机关”(competent authority)值的是第五条第一项(戊)款中“裁决对各造尚无拘束力,或业经裁决地所在国或裁决所依据法律之国家之主管机关撤销或停止执行者”,根据“非方便法院原则”(forum non conveniens)和“国际礼让原则”(international comity,美国地区法院应中止本案程序。


对此,HEPI提出抗辩,主张印度方是在印度国内法院提起的撤销之诉,而非在马来西亚,故《纽约公约》第六条的要求并未满足(“HEPI counters that because India brought a set-aside suit in India, rather than Malaysia, the requirements of an Article VI stay have not been met.”);且印度方作为承认执行之诉的被告,其提出的“非方便法院原则”和“国际礼让原则”并不适用于本案(“It further argues that forum non conveniens and international comity are not available as defenses to enforcement actions in this Circuit.”)。


关于当事双方针对《纽约公约》在本案的适用所产生的争议,美国地区法院认同第二巡回法院在Europcar Italia, S.p.A. v. Maiellano Tours, Inc., 156 F.3d 310, 317 (2d Cir. 1998)(以下简称“Europcar”)一案中提出的观点,这一观点曾被多个判例所采纳,包括Hulley Enterprises Ltd. v.Russian Fed’n, 211 F. Supp. 3d 269 (D.D.C. 2016)Stati v. Republic ofKazakhstan, 199 F. Supp. 3d 179 (D.D.C. 2016)Chevron Corp. v. Republicof Ecuador, 949 F. Supp. 2d 57 (D.D.C. 2013),具体而言,当法院在决定是否中止仲裁执行程序时,需重点考虑以下六个要素(Europcar Factors


1仲裁的总体目的,即快速解决争议并避免旷日持久和成本高昂的诉讼(“the general objectives of arbitration—the expeditious resolution of disputes and the avoidance of protracted and expensive litigation;”);


2外国程序的状况和结束其程序的预计时间(“the status of the foreign proceedings and the estimated time for those proceedings to be resolved;”);


3请求执行的裁决是否将在不利的审查标准下,在外国程序中是否接受更严格的审查(“whether the award sought to be enforced will receive greater scrutiny in the foreign proceedings under a less deferential standard of review;”);


4外国程序的特点包括:(i)外国程序是为了执行裁决(这往往有利于中止)还是撤销裁决(倾向于权衡有利于执行的裁决);(ii)外国程序是否是在执行程序之前启动的,以引起对国际礼让的关注;(iii)其是否由目前寻求在联邦法院执行裁决的一方提出;(iv)其是否是在表明有意妨碍或拖延争议解决的情况下提出的(“the characteristics of the foreign proceedings including (i) whether they were brought to enforce an award (which would tend to weigh in favor of a stay) or to set the award aside (which would tend to weigh in favor of enforcement);(ii) whether they were initiated before the underlying enforcement proceeding so as to raise concerns of international comity; (iii) whether they were initiated by the party now seeking to enforce the award in federal court; and(iv) whether they were initiated under circumstances indicating an intent to hinder or delay resolution of the dispute;”);


5各方可能遇到困难之间的平衡(“A balance of the possible hardships to the parties…; and”);


6任何其他情况,而该等情况会倾向于将天平转为赞成或反对继续审理(“Any other circumstance that could tend to shift the balance in favor of or against adjournment…”)。


首先,针对第(1)、(2)项因素,法院认同HEPI提出的主张,即在印度提起的诉讼非但没有提供快速的解决方法,反而表现出过于拖延的特点(“because far from offering speedy resolution, the Indian proceedings have been characterized by inordinate delay.”)。具体而言,在本案中,印度方在印度法院提出的撤销裁决之诉拖延长达有5年时间还未得出最终结论,而双方均未能够证明印度最高院关于印度法官管辖权的最终的裁决结果,以及后续印度法院程序的维持时间(“Here, the fact that the underlying arbitral award was rendered five years ago and the fact that there is no clear end to the Indian set-aside proceedings in sight counsels against granting India a stay.”),故认定就第(1)(2)项因素而言,其不利于印度提出的中止程序申请。


其次,关于第(3)项因素,美国地区法院认同印度方的主张,即印度法院在考虑是否执行相关裁决时,可以评估该仲裁裁决是否符合印度法律,但对美国法院而言,直至裁决被主管当局撤销,其都不具有这样的权力(“the Court will take India’s word that Indian courts evaluate whether arbitral awards comport with Indian law when considering whether to enforce that award, a power that American courts do not have, until the award has actually been set aside by a competent authority.”),故考虑第(3)项因素在本案中是有利于中止程序申请的


再次,关于第(4)项因素,美国地区法院认为,虽然法院承认印度政府有权对其认为是非法的仲裁裁决提出质疑,但印度方对印度法院诉讼长期拖延的影响是不可否认的,故总体来说,考虑第(4)项因素是不应当中止程序的(“While the Court acknowledges the right of the Indian government to challenge an arbitral award that it believes was unlawful, India’s contributions to the protractedness of the litigation in the Indian courts cannot be denied. As such, the Court finds that overall, the fourth Europcar factor counsels against a stay.”)。


最后,关于第(5)、(6)项因素,美国地区法院也认同印度方提出的中止申请应当予以拒绝(“the fifth factor likewise counsels against a stay.”“Overall, examination of the six Europcar factors demonstrates that a stay is not warranted in this case.”)。








