您目前的位置: 首页» 咨询资讯» 法院认定合意裁决中的加速付款条件已经成就(英国案例)


2020年10月21日,在 A v B (Rev 1) [2020] EWHC 2790 (Comm)一案中,英格兰与威尔士高等法院(以下简称法院)认为,涉案合意裁决中规定的加速付款条款已经被触发,且不存在对合意裁决条款的任何后续变更,也不存在排除依赖合意裁决条款的事件,因此,法院支持申请人根据《1996年仲裁法》第66条所提出的执行裁决申请,按本金和应计利息执行裁决,并按未偿金额获得判决(the Claimant is entitled to enforce the award for the Principal Sum and Accrued Interest pursuant to section 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and to obtain judgment in the amount outstanding)。








经申请人申请,Teare 法官于2019年10月17日作出一项命令,准予执行裁决中的生效部分(the operative part ofthe Award),并给予被申请人申请撤销该命令的权利(以下简称十月命令)。

被申请人于2019年11月7日申请撤销十月命令。2020年4月24日,审理该撤销申请的Moulder法官撤销了该命令(参见20200616仲裁早新闻:准予执行仲裁裁决令因适用法律有误且争议事实尚待确定而被撤销(英国案例))。Moulder法官认为,被申请人就申请人是否有权执行合意裁决提出了一个可审判的事项(a triable issue),故指示进行庭审以确定是否准予执行合意裁决。



由被告论点所提出的争议事项是,经适当解释,关于合意裁决的效力,加速付款条款实际上是否已经被触发,以及是否存在对合意裁决条款的任何后续变更,或是否存在排除依赖合意裁决条款的事件。(The Defendant's arguments raise issues as to the effect of the Consent Award on its proper construction, whether as a matter of fact the acceleration provisions have been triggered, and whether there was any subsequent variation of the terms of the Consent Award or events which preclude reliance on its terms.)

乍一看,这些事项由法院裁定可能会让人感到奇怪,特别是在2018年和解协议包含LCIA仲裁条款的情况下。然而,被申请人并未在任何阶段辩称,与执行合意裁决有关的问题应通过LCIA仲裁裁定。在之前由Moulder 法官审理的诉讼中,当事人均明确同意,法院可以决定关于全部债务是否已经可以支付的问题。双方当事人已经提交诉状和证据。Moulder法官在2020年4月24日的撤销准予执行命令中表示:“法院应根据《仲裁法》第66条对十月申请[即申请人执行裁决的申请]所产生的争议问题作出裁定。”在这种情况下,本案法院显然有管辖权就所产生的问题作出最终裁定,且当事人并未提出异议。法院援引判例认为,作出合意裁决的仲裁庭已经履行完职责( functus officio )。即使当事人提出,在第66条申请的背景下,法院是否可以对被申请人回应第66条申请所提出的问题作出裁定,或这些问题是否必须在一项新的仲裁中裁定,法院将认定其能够且应当对这些问题作出裁定。(In this case, however, as I have stated, the tribunal which issued the Consent Award is functus officio. If, therefore, the issue had been raised as to whether it was open to the court to determine, in the context of the s.66, the issues raised by the Defendant in answer to the application, or whether those matters had to be determined in a fresh arbitration, I would have held that I could, and should, determine them.)


但是,关于2018年和解协议和合意裁决的实质性条款之间的相互关系,将产生进一步问题,尤其是以下条款:(1)第8.1条规定:“本协议构成双方之间的完整协议,取代双方之间就本协议所述事项的所有信函、声明、协议、谈判和谅解”。(2)第8.2条规定:“对本协议的任何变更、放弃、解除或修改,除非以书面形式作出并经双方或其代表签署,否则均不得生效或强制执行”。(3)第8.3条规定:“一方未能或延迟行使本协议或法律规定的任何权利或救济,不构成对该权利或任何其他权利或救济的放弃,也不妨碍或限制进一步行使该权利或任何其他权利或救济……(4)第8.4条规定:“各方承认并同意,除本协议中明确包含的内容外,各方并未依据本协议任何一方的任何声明或陈述订立本协议”。(However, a further issue arises as to the interrelationship between the substantive provisions of the 2018 Settlement Agreement, and the Consent Award, and in particular the following clauses:

i) Clause 8.1 which provided that "the Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior correspondence, representations, agreements, negotiations and understandings between them with respect to the matters covered herein".

ii) Clause 8.2 which provided that "no variation, waiver, rescission or amendment of this Agreement shall be effective or enforceable unless made in writing and signed by or on behalf of the Parties".

iii) Clause 8.3, which provided that "a failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this Agreement or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict any further exercise of that or any other right or remedy …".

iv) Clause 8.4, which provided that "each of the Parties acknowledge and agree that it has not entered into this Agreement in reliance on any statement or representation made by any party to this Agreement other than as expressly incorporated into this Agreement".)


考虑到2018年和解协议与合意裁决之间的密切关系,以及后者的作出是为了“以裁决的形式”记录前者的内容,法院确信,当被申请人试图就其在2018年和解协议项下义务的范围或继续状态提出问题以抵制合意裁决的执行时,被申请人在2018年和解协议第8条中所作出的合同承诺仍然适用。(Given the very close relationship between the 2018 Settlement Agreement and the Consent Award, and the fact that the latter was brought into being in order to record aspects of the former "in the form of an award", I am quite satisfied that the contractual promises made by the Defendant in clause 8 of the 2018 Settlement Agreement apply as much when the Defendant seeks to raise issues as to the scope or continuing status of his obligations arising from the 2018 Settlement Agreement to resist enforcement of the Consent Award as it does in other contexts.)

法院确信被申请人在2018年和解协议第8条中所承担的义务有效,具有约束力并适用于被申请人针对申请人第66(1)条申请所提出的论点。这些条款没有在合意裁决中重复无关紧要。这本来就没有必要,这类条款更自然地出现在双方的和解协议中,而不是出现在仲裁裁决的条款中。(For these reasons, I am satisfied that the obligations assumed by the Defendant in clause 8 of the 2018 Settlement Agreement are valid, binding and applicable to the arguments which the Defendant now seeks to raise in response to the Claimant's s.66(1) application. It is nothing to the point that those clauses were not repeated in the Consent Award itself. That would have been unnecessary, and clauses of this kind sit more naturally in the parties' settlement agreement than in the terms of an arbitration award.)






法院驳回了被申请人关于禁止反言的第三项论点。没有任何证据表明存在任何明确的陈述或承诺,或存在一般假设,即如果由于银行技术方面的困难而延迟收到付款,申请人将不会行使加速付款的权利。被申请人也没有依赖任何此类陈述、承诺或假设,也没有依赖其他情况证明申请人行使这些严格的法律权利会导致不公平。(The argument based on some species of estoppel also fails. There was no evidence of any unequivocal representation or promise, or a common assumption which manifested itself across the line, to the effect that the Claimant would not exercise his right of acceleration if payments were received late due to technical banking difficulties. Nor was there any reliance on any such representation, promise or assumption by the Defendant, or circumstances which would make it inequitable for the Claimant to rely on his strict legal rights.)对被申请人而言最好的情况是,被申请人迟延付款是由于银行技术方面的困难。但这种抗辩仍然存在问题,因为只有在被申请人控制之外因银行技术问题所导致的这部分迟延付款,才能以依赖申请人的某些承诺或保证而不视为迟延。对于非因银行技术问题所导致的迟延付款,在任何情况下,都不在被申请人所主张的禁止反言的范围之内。(The argument based on some species of estoppel also fails. There was no evidence of any unequivocal representation or promise, or a common assumption which manifested itself across the line, to the effect that the Claimant would not exercise his right of acceleration if payments were received late due to technical banking difficulties. Nor was there any reliance on any such representation, promise or assumption by the Defendant, or circumstances which would make it inequitable for the Claimant to rely on his strict legal rights. At best for the Defendant, the reason he was late in making the October payment was not because he relied on something the Claimant had said or any understanding reached, but because of technical banking difficulties which prevented the payment happening any sooner. The structural difficulty in the Defendant's estoppel argument is obvious. To the extent that the payment was made late because of technical banking issues outside the Defendant's control, it was not late because the Defendant relied on some promise or assurance by the Claimant. But to the extent that payment was late for reasons other than technical banking issues, such delay would fall outside the scope of the estoppel for which the Defendant contends in any event.)





在本案中,没有争议的是:(1)E 公司向F公司的律师支付了2亿美元。(2)超过本金金额。(3)被申请人未向申请人支付本金。唯一的问题是这笔2亿美元的款项支付的时间。法院基于所听取的证据认为,这笔款项很可能在各方于2019年10月4日会面时已经支付。因此,若不考虑被申请人所声称的当事人于2019年10月4日和10月11日所举行的会议,本金和应计利息的全部金额于2019年10月25日到期。



综上所述,法院认为,申请人有权根据《1996年仲裁法》第66条的规定,按本金和应计利息执行裁决,并按未偿金额获得判决(the Claimant is entitled to enforce the award for the Principal Sum and Accrued Interest pursuant to section 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and to obtain judgment in the amount outstanding)。


