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2022年6月6日,印度孟买高等法院(Bombay High Court)就Priya Malay Sheth vs VLCC Health Care Ltd.一案作出判决,认为如果一个地点被约定为仲裁程序的“开庭地”(Venue),没有其他的约定时,那么该地点也隐含着作为仲裁程序的“仲裁地”(seat of arbitration)的意思表示。


原告Priya Malay Sheth女士(下称Sheth)与被告VLCC Health Care Ltd(下称VLCC)达成协议,由Sheth为VLCC在“瘦身、皮肤和毛发服务”领域开展经营管理和业务活动。协议中仲裁条款规定“仲裁地点为德里”。2019年9月,该中心的运作出现了争议。Sheth女士启动仲裁程序,并任命孟买高等法院的一名前法官为仲裁员,主张仲裁程序在孟买进行。






13.1 If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever arises between the Parties in connection with the Agreement including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, the Parties shall seek to resolve any such dispute or difference by mutual consultation. If the Parties fail to resolve such dispute or difference by mutual consultation, then either Party may give to the other Party formal notice in writing that the dispute of difference exists, specifying its nature, the point(s) in issue and its intention to refer the dispute to arbitration by a Sole Arbitrator appointed by VLCC.

13.2 It is agreed between the parties that in such event the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The venue of the Arbitration shall be Delhi and the language of Arbitration proceeding shall be English. The award of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding on the Parties."


Sheth回应称:1、仲裁条款第13.2条中包含了“在这种情况下”的文字,说明只有在第13.1条规定的独任仲裁员被指定的情况下,第13.2条规定的程序才会生效,这样仲裁地点才可以在德里。本案中,由于VLCC未任命仲裁员,第13.1条未能有效适用,因此第13.2条被视为无需适用;2、根据印度最高法院TRF Ltd. Vs. Energo Engineering Projects Ltd.和Perkins Eastman Architects DPC. V. HSCC (India) Ltd.等案规定的法律原则,合同一方无权单方面指定仲裁庭,因为这与印度仲裁法(The Arbitration Act, 1940)第11(8)节和第12(1)节的规定相反。



针对问题1,法院依据Perkins Eastman Architects DPC v. HSCC(India)Ltd和TRF Ltd v. Energo Engineering Projects Ltd的判例得出结论,认为VLCC并不享有任命仲裁庭的单方权利(仅该部分无效,仲裁协议整体效力不受影响)。

The party interested in the outcome of the arbitral proceedings does not have any unilateral power to appoint an arbitrator, however, while holding so it was observed that this would not invalidate the arbitration agreement.


Mr. Sethna's contention that Clause 13.1 and 13.2 are interlinked, cannot be accepted as they are seen to be quite distinct having an independent purport.

针对问题2,法院分析了仲裁程序的“开庭地”和“仲裁地”,并根据BGS SGS SOMA JV v NHPC Ltd. (2020) 4 SCC 234; Mankastu Impex Pvt. Ltd. v Air visual Ltd (2020) 5 SCC 399两个案件的法律原则得出结论:一旦某一地点被指定为仲裁程序的”开庭地“,且仲裁条款使用了“仲裁程序”(arbitration proceedings)或 “应举行”(shall be held)等表述,则该地点也是仲裁的 “仲裁地”,因为“仲裁程序“”应举行“等表述并非指一次或多次单独或特定的听证,而是指整个仲裁程序,包括在该地点作出裁决。法院支持了被告VLCC的主张,认为德里法院有管辖权而本法院无管辖权。

On a conspectus of the aforesaid judgments, it may be concluded that whenever there is the designation of a place of arbitration in an arbitration clause as being the "venue" of the arbitration proceedings, the expression "arbitration proceedings" would make it clear that the "venue" is really the "seat" of the arbitral proceedings, as the aforesaid expression does not include just one or more individual or particular hearing, but the arbitration proceedings as a whole including the making of an award at that place.


仲裁地(Seat)是仲裁程序的一个重要法律概念,将决定仲裁适用的法律,以及对仲裁裁决的司法审查和监督。仲裁开庭地(Venue)的字面意义一般指的是开庭的地理地点。本案认为,如果一个地方被指定为仲裁程序的“开庭地”(Venue),没有其他的约定时,那么该地点也隐含着作为仲裁程序的“仲裁地”(seat of arbitration)的意思表示。该结论和我们的一般认识并不矛盾,比如,当仲裁条款约定:因合同引起或与合同有关的任何争议、分歧时,应提交至A地进行仲裁解决。在此类条款提及A地时,并不是简单地表示仲裁程序的开庭地点,而是指在A地通过仲裁这一办法推进仲裁程序,将A地视为仲裁地以解决争议。