您目前的位置: 首页» 研究资料» 仲裁员未在约定期限内作出裁决,其委任应当终止(印度案例)


2019827日,在Jayesh H.Pandya vs Subhtex India Limited一案中,印度最高法院认为,在当事人约定了作出裁决的期限的情况下,如果仲裁员在约定期限内未结束仲裁程序并作出裁决,则认为该仲裁员在法律上不能履行其职责,其在当事人之间的仲裁程序中担任仲裁员的委任应当终止。


本案被上诉人(仲裁程序的申请人)Subhtex India Limited(以下简称Subhtex India)援引2000428日签订的《仲裁协议》,根据1996年《仲裁与调解法》(以下简称“《仲裁法》”)第11条请求孟买高等法院指定仲裁员。本案上诉人(仲裁程序的被申请人)Jayesh则称,《仲裁协议》是一份合谋伪造的文件。




《仲裁协议》中约定:“4. 仲裁员遵循的程序应允许当事人在仲裁员认为合适的合理时间内提出各自的主张和论点。5. 仲裁员应当根据仲裁员应在协议副本送达之日起4个月内作出裁决。6. 经双方当事人同意,仲裁员有权延长作出裁决的期限……”(“4. Arbitrator shall follow the procedure of allowing parties to file their respective claims & contention and to file documents within reasonable time as the arbitrator may deem fit. 5.The arbitrator will make his award within a period of 4 months from the date of service of copy of agreement. 6.The arbitrator shall have power to extend the period for making and publishing the award from time to time, with the consent of both the parties…”


事实上,当事人在交换请求、反请求和提交书面意见上花费了一些时间。Subhtex India请求延长作出裁决的期限,但遭到Jayesh的拒绝。在2007827日举行的庭审中,Jayesh表示既然仲裁程序无法在4个月期限内结束,就没有必要继续进行仲裁。





上诉人Jayesh称,第一次预审会议在200754日举行,且Jayesh已经拒绝了延长期限的要求,故仲裁员应在第一次预审会议后4个月内作出裁决。仲裁员未在约定期限内作出裁决,其委任应当终止,仲裁程序随即停止。Jayesh援引最高法院在NBCC Limited Vs. J.G. Engineering Private Limited, 2010(2) SCC 385案中的观点认为,孟买高等法院的作出的命令在法律上不可维持,应予以撤销。

Subhtex India 认为,Jayesh参加了仲裁程序,且在提交书面陈述和反请求方面存在拖延,在这种情况下,Jayesh就已经默示同意放弃对延长仲裁期限的异议权。Subhtex India还指出,孟买高等法院在其作出的命令中认为如果支持Jayesh的异议,议会制定法律促进仲裁的目标和意图将会受阻,孟买高等法院已经正确地认定,Jayesh已通过其行为放弃对严格遵守4个月期限提出异议,故本案法院无须对孟买高等法院作出的命令进行干预。




14. Failure or impossibility to act—(1) The mandate of an arbitrator shall terminate and he shall be substituted by another arbitrator, if—

(a) he becomes de jure or de facto unable to perform his functions or for other reasons fails to act without undue delay; and

(b) he withdraws from his office or the parties agree to the termination of his mandate.

(2) If a controversy remains concerning any of the grounds referred to in clause (a) of sub¬section (1), a party may, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, apply to the Court to decide on the termination of the mandate.

(3) If, under this section or sub¬section (3) of Section 13, an arbitrator withdraws from his office or a party agrees to the termination of the mandate of an arbitrator, it shall not imply acceptance of the validity of any ground referred to in this section or sub-section (3) of Section 12.”


“15. Termination of mandate and substitution of arbitrator — (1) In addition to the circumstances referred to in Section 13 or Section 14, the mandate of an arbitrator shall terminate—

(a) where he withdraws from office for any reason; or

(b) by or pursuant to agreement of the parties.

(2) Where the mandate of an arbitrator terminates, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed according to the rules that were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced.

(3) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, where an arbitrator is replaced under sub-section (2), any hearings previously held may be repeated at the discretion of the Arbitral Tribunal.

 (4) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, an order or ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal made prior to the replacement of an arbitrator under this section shall not be invalid solely because there has been a change in the composition of the Arbitral Tribunal.”

法院指出,从《仲裁法》第141)(a)条的措辞来看,如果仲裁员未能毫无不过分迟延地行事,仲裁员的委任应当终止。在本案中,《仲裁协议》约定仲裁员应在200754日举行第一次预审会议之日起4个月内完成仲裁程序,即作出裁决的截止日期为200794日。另外,记录显示,Jayesh反对延长作出裁决的期限。根据以上事实,法院认为,当事人未同意延长同意仲裁员的委任,仲裁员未在期限内作出裁决,仲裁程序应自动终止it can be construed that parties were not in agreement for extension to the mandate of the Arbitrator failing which the arbitral proceedings automatically stood terminated)。另外,《仲裁法》第142)条明确规定,如果对第(1)款(a)项所述的任何原因产生争议,除非当事人另有约定,任何一方当事人可以请求法院就是否终止委任作出决定。在这点上,Jayesh已经正确地根据该条规定向法院提出申请。

另外,法院认为,《仲裁法》的目标是确保争议的快速解决,但与此同时,也要求仲裁员按照合同约定的条款和程序对争议进行仲裁It is true that the object of the scheme of the Act, 1996 is to secure expeditious resolution of disputes and it is based on the fulcrum of promptitude but at the same time the Arbitrator is required to adjudicate the disputes in view of the agreed terms of contract and the procedure)。《仲裁法》的这种立法意图应予以尊重。法院援引NBCC Limited case(supra)案的判决表示,如果仲裁员未按照合同约定的条款和程序进行仲裁,将会使《仲裁法》关于仲裁员委任的目标(即议会立法要求按照约定的条款和条件进行仲裁)受阻(proceedings have to be governed and run by the terms agreed between the parties in concluding the arbitral proceedings failing which it will frustrate the mandate of the object of the Act with which it has been legislated by the Parliament to act upon on agreed terms and conditions of the agreement in concluding the arbitral proceedings)。

在本案中,《仲裁协议》约定延长作出裁决的期限必须经双方当事人同意,而Jayesh未同意延长期限,故在200754日举行第一次预审会议之日起4个月的期限届满后,仲裁员在法律上无法履行职责(the proceedings stood terminated as the appellants have not recorded their consent for extension of time which was the requirement and essence of the conditions of the agreement and the Arbitrator became de jure unable to perform his functions after the expiry of four months from the date of first preliminary meeting held on 4th May, 2007)。


对此,最高法院认为,弃权的基本要素是必须自愿和有意地放弃一项权利。自愿选择是弃权的本质。当事人应该有机会在放弃和行使有关权利之间作出选择。如果情况显示当事人的行为并非出于自愿,则不能认为该当事人已经放弃了宝贵的权利The essential element of waiver is that there must be a voluntary and intentional relinquishment of a right. The voluntary choice is the essence of waiver. There should exist an opportunity for choice between the relinquishment and an enforcement of the right in question. It cannot be held that there has been a waiver of valuable rights where the circumstances show that what was done was involuntary)。除此之外,“弃权”原则或“视为弃权”原则或“禁反言”原则通常基于个案的事实和情况,当事人在个案中的行为以及当事人之间达成的协议。最高法院已经在NBCC Ltd.(supra)案中确认,当事人和仲裁员都应遵守关于完成仲裁程序的期限(That apart, the doctrine of “waiver” or “deemed waiver” or “estoppel” is always based on facts and circumstances of each case, conduct of the parties in each case and as per the agreement entered into between the parties and this exposition has been affirmed by this Court in NBCC Ltd.(supra) regarding adherence to the imposition of time limit for the conclusion of the arbitral proceedings.The parties have to stand by the terms of contract including the Arbitrator)。


在本案事实情况中,当事人约定受期限的约束,法院没有理由不接受当事人的约定。此外,《仲裁法》第14条(结合第15条解读)也承认这一机制,在期限届满后,仲裁员在法律上不能履行其职责,在当事人之间的仲裁程序中担任仲裁员的委任应当终止Section 14 read with Section 15 of the Act, 1996 also recognise this mechanism and after the expiry of four months period from the date of first preliminary meeting held on 4th May, 2007, the Arbitrator indeed became de jure unable to perform his functions and the mandate to act as an Arbitrator in the arbitral proceedings between the parties as prayed for stood terminated)。




